Welcome to Lappis.org | The student community in Stockholm


About Lappis

Quick information

Attached you can find some nice pictures from Adrià Cruz. Thanks a lot for this support! 

Lappis shout, tuesdays 10 o´clock!

Lappkärrsskriket is our equivalent of Flogstaskriket in Uppsala and Elvavrålet (The eleven-o’clock scream) in Lund.

Make no mistake – this is not a happy shout, but a primal scream of angst. It is a way of channelling your frustration and depression from being a student; under pressure from all sorts of obligations, while at the same time having no money. This therapy works both through releasing your tensions, as well as through the comforting insight that you are not alone…

Thanks go to guldfisk for this advice.


Buy cheaper than in Lappis:

Prix Extra:

One way to buy cheaper than in ICA. It is located in the old trainstation. Catch the 40 and leave on the first stop of Sveavägen. From there you go west, in the direction of the Wine Museum, and you reach Prisxtra after 5-10 minutes of walking.


adresses in Stockholm are the following.
Netto Stockholm Magnus Ladulåsgatan 3, 103 83 Stockholm
Netto Stockholm Sveavägen 14, 111 57 Stockholm
Netto Stockholm Sveavägen 118, 113 50 Stockholm



Another cheap store is Lidl but the closest is at Skärholmen.


Thanks go to Arelian for this advice.


O´learys sportsbar in Stockholm!

You like sport and want to watch international soccer, ice hockey and tennis …. live. Check O´leasys. They are located at different places in Stockholm. One the lappis.org people liked a lot was the one at Götgatan 11 116 46 Stockholm. More information can be found on the webpage of o`learys.


Schwedish TV program online

This is a page where you can find information about all TV channels in Sweden. Check it out and have fun! www.tv.nu.


Stockholm Party Agenda

Here you can find some information about partys in Stockholm. Exspecially student partys. But check the lappispage for information about lappispub partys! :-)



General information about stockholm

Here you can get generellinformation about Stockholm in all languages. We think this one is made really well!


Published on: Saturday, January 14 2017 (34529 reads)
Copyright © by Lappis.org | The student community in Stockholm

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